Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School!

Today was a great first day of school!
The kids did an excellent job adapting to the new schedule. We really enjoyed sensory time and made a great mess with the water table and sand. It was a favorite! We also got the chance to make some money to go to the 'grocery store' with all this week. We like money...
For art, we made our own plane tickets to fly to South America. Once we got there, we learned about the rain forest in science. Circle time went really well- we haven't had circle time in three months, so i was really impressed with how well everyone did! We even remembered to sit criss-cross applesauce and raise our hand to talk! The best part of circle time was choosing our jobs for the week. We are going to be great helpers.
This rest of this week, we will be studying tree frogs, vines, alligators. We really love learning about the rain forest. We are even learning how to recycle and be careful with our water in order to take good care of the earth.
Overall- awesome first day! I am looking forward to the school year. It will be so much fun.
If you have any questions or comments, let me know! I am always available for a meeting or chat.
Have a good week!
--Miss Kate