Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fall Preschool Schedule.

We're headed back to school! This fall, we are making some really great changes in our program. Be sure to keep updated with what's going on! If you have any questions about our fall schedule, please see Miss Kate.

Preschool Daily Schedule

8:00 am: breakfast

am group times:

-art studio

-sensory play

-math/science discovery


-dramatic play

-writer’s workshop

8:30 am: breakfast ends

9:30 am: classroom clean-up, wash hands, use potty

9:40 am: snack

10:00 am: begin am modules

-science lab


-circle time

11:30 am: outdoor time

12:00 pm: lunch

12:20 pm: potty

12:30 pm: rest time

2:45 pm: socks/shoes/potty- go to open classroom

3:00 pm: writer’s workshop/quiet art

3:30 pm: bookworm

4:00 pm: snack

4:15 pm: MWF outdoor time

TTH tunes and twirls time

5:00 pm: free play until parent pick-up

5:30 pm: merge with school age


Rotuq said...

Great to have been part if JKELC for 3 years !!!