Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 21-25th.

This week, we studied to emergent layer of the rain forest. This layer is home to many birds and insects, and we focused on parrots, beetles, and snakes. In circle time, we all knew what foods that each of the animals we studied ate, and we learned about a new snake that eats in a different way- a boa constrictor! We liked being snakes and slithering on the ground.
For art, we continued to make animals to turn our classroom into a rainforest and we made our own emergent layer. Slithery snakes and feathery parrots are in our classroom on display!
Please be sure to check your child's art slot every week to pick up projects and find important notes. We had a great week, and we are looking forward to our last week of studying the rainforest before we move on to another subject!
p.s. have your child point out South America on our map!